Scale Jenkins to an Enterprise-level
TSOFT and CloudBees are your allies in
the DevOps transformation
Based on CloudBees solutions and our experience in DevOps and IT, we facilitate the implementation of best practices, auditing and compliance in relation to continuous integration practices at scale and release orchestration, allowing you to innovate faster and with higher quality and security.
Get to know all the CloudBees solutions that we can offer you
Managing and sizing Jenkins can be the first step
Jenkins is a leading CI/CD tool. But as teams expand, multiplying pipelines can become a challenge. Tsoft solutions based on Cloudbees give you the possibility to manage many Jenkins instances with efficiency, centralized visibility and cost reduction. But they also allow you much more, including generating an entire integrated, standardized and fully scalable platform for CI / CD, and DevOps teams.
Agile, scalable, trusted, and federated governance with developer autonomy
Managing CloudBees makes Jenkins enterprise-ready by providing scalability and flexibility to the team while maintaining a balance between performance and security. All this with low costs and administrative risks.
The CloudBees platform supports both deployment on traditional architectures as well as more modern architectures that take advantage of the benefits of the cloud and allow development teams to experiment, innovate, and mitigate the risks of affecting other teams. This architecture enables security and regulatory compliance, while enabling cross-team collaboration and best practice information sharing.
CloudBees Software Delivery Automation CI
Based on Jenkins, CloudBees CI extends the functionality of Jenkins by incorporating best practices, fast management, as well as security and compliance features. It provides a centrally managed and shared Continuous Integration service, but offers a self-service experience for engineering teams.
CloudBees CI Key Benefits
Manage multiple computers centrally, simplifying administrative tasks. Identify bottlenecks in the value chain and take the necessary improvement actions.
and Security
Quickly integrate new projects and teams through a pre-configured, out-of-the-box security model.
It offers autonomy to developers and, at the same time, allows shared processes to maintain control and standardization.
CloudBees Software Delivery Automation CD/RO
It is a unified Application Release Orchestration platform that gives organizations control and scalability of their software delivery cycles, enabling them to accelerate time to market, increase the quality and reliability of software deployment, and enforce compliance. corporate governance, security and compliance in a consistent, predictable manner.
CloudBees CD Key Benefits
Fast and safe
Confidently accelerate cycle times through predictable release delivery at any speed and scale.
Accelerate time-to-revenue through the creation, versioning, and sharing of multiple processes and delivery environments.
Improve audit and governance through structured cross-functional automation, role-based access controls, integrated scheduling, and activity tracking.
Cloudbee Resources
What can Tsoft do for you when hiring CloudBees solutions?
Readiness Assessment
We evaluate both your technological platform, as well as your software design, construction and delivery practices, in order to guarantee the use of the CloudBees solutions to be implemented.
Platform Implementation
We help you in the implementation of the base platform on which the CloudBees solutions will run, as well as in the identification of the architecture alternative that best suits the needs of your organization.
Tools Configuration
We install the tools and integrate them with the rest of the DevOps solutions that your organization has.
Solution Onboarding
We help you upload solutions to CloudBees practices and tools, so they can scale effectively and sustainably.
Talk to our team
Write us to learn more about the CloudBees solutions that we can offer you